dsPIC33EP512MC502 - better suited for a development board
From Firewing perspective, this microcontroller comes with 512Kb Flash memory and a faster speed compared to the dsPIC33FJ128MC802 that has native support in Firewing Basic which means all the optimizations are available to the user. And I almost said everything about advantages and disadvantages. Better in every way (e.g., has a very well thought redistribution of the 5 volts tolerant pins), but dependent on a commercial version of XC16 compiler to gain access to all the optimizations. And to add more to the disadvantages, it is not supported by the Pickit 2, a programmer that is still widely used in the Maker world, especially under the Linux operating system, mainly because it can be made at home. Still, the increased speed (where the internal oscillator has a better calibration) and the amount of the memory can make up for the lack of code optimizations. There were always differences of opinion between the Industrial environment and Academic environment about how a developmen...